LibMCP  0.1.5
API to control MCPnet
Installing Poco C++ Libraries

This guide describes where to get the Poco C++ Libraries and (if needed) how to build it.

For reference see the official guide on how to download and build Poco.


Installing Poco on Linux (Debian / Ubuntu) is as easy as

sudo apt install libpoco-dev

See the ROS index if you're not on a Debian or Ubuntu derivate.


For Windows your only option to get Poco binaries is to use a package manager like Conan or Vcpkg. Both are listed in the official guide. On the other hand there's always the option to build Poco yourself using CMake - this is described in the next section.

For convenience there's also a Windows PowerShell script that will download, build and install all necessary Poco modules. The following command needs to be executed from within a Windows PowerShell.

.\libmcp\poco\get_poco_win.ps1 -A "x64" -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -B "Release" -Static
  • The architecture -A can be either "x64" or "Win32" or be omitted.
  • For a list of CMake generators -G for your system run cmake --help.
  • The build type -B can be one of: "Debug", "Release", "MinSizeRel", "RelWithDebInfo".
  • The switch -Static indicates if Poco should be built shared or static.

Building with CMake

Before building Poco you need to download its sources.

git clone

From within the Poco source tree, run the following commands:

mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="path/to/install/directory" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
cmake --build . --target install

This will build a shared (use OFF for static) library of every available Poco module. LibMCP only uses Poco::Foundation and Poco::Net. Other modules can be omitted like this:


The install directory defaults to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. For more options see the Poco CMakeLists.txt.