LibMCP  0.1.5
API to control MCPnet
Building LibMCP

After installing all dependencies the next step is to build LibMCP. This is tested on both Linux and Windows.

Clone the GitLab repository.

git clone
cd libmcp

Generate a buildsystem with CMake.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

You can also add additional CMake options or project options to the CMake call. The defaults are:


Build the project out of source (still in build directory) and install it to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

cmake --build . --target install

Additional notes

When building LibMCP as a shared library without installing it globally you need to copy all necessary library files (.dll, .so) next to the executable that requires them (every executable that use LibMCP).

For example libmcp/build/examples/datasheet/ should contain (on Windows with both Poco and LibMCP as shared libraries):

├ datasheet.exe
├ PocoFoundation.dll
├ PocoNet.dll
└ MCP.dll

When building the doxygen documentation you might get some warnings like these:

warning: found subsection command outside of section context!
warning: unable to resolve reference to `docs/pages' for \ref command

This is due to doxygen bugs 5892 and 7032 which were fixed in version 1.8.16 and 1.8.19 respectively. So either you use a newer version of doxygen or access the documentation from GitLab pages.